



1. 哈佛合唱團純淨美聲風靡長榮



2. 韓國光州市人權協會每年甄選光州市各國高中20名學生參訪長榮中學與長榮師生交流。



3. 日本群馬縣利根商業學校每年約160名師生到台灣作教育旅行並參訪長榮中學。



4. 與成大國際經濟學商學學生會 AIESEC 合作,每年申請一名國際志工融入校園與學生交流一個月半。



長中 E-News yes


2013 2014 2015 2016 2017 2018



Addendum to the Memorandum of understanding 

This is an additional document to the memorandum of understanding (MOU). It’s aim is to enhance the collaboration between the two institutions in four main areas as follows:


  1. TESOL training (教導英語為第二外國語之英語師資訓鍊課程)
    Length: 3-5 weeks

    1.1 IPC is an accredited TESOL training center by both Trinity College of 
    London and New Zealand Qualification Authority. In order to enhance
    cooperation between IPC and your school at academic staff level, IPC 
    will open TESOL training session 3 times a year. 

    1.2 Trinity TESOL training program is 5 weeks long sessions. IPC own 
    TESOL program is 3 weeks long. 


    1.3 In order to enhance our cooperation, IPC will grant a full scholarship on 
    tuition, accommodation, and meal for up to 5 teachers from your school 
    to train in New Zealand. (Ideally 2 teachers for each opening) 


    1.4 Host institution (IPC) will provide full training (integrate to our TESOL 
    class), accommodation, meal, internet access, and access to all of our 
    facilities during the training period. 


    1.5 Home institution (your school) will provide plane ticket to your staff. 


    1.6 It is under our regulation that nonnative-English speaker must provide 
    us with their IELTS grade (unless they graduate with a degree from 
    English speaking country). 

  2. Academic (TESOL) staff exchange programme
    Length: About 1 week

    2.1 IPC (New Zealand staff) to your school: TESOL training on your campus

    IPC TESOL 老師到您的學校,親自示範、授課、訓練。

    2.2 The host institution (your school) is responsible for the cost of accommodation, airport transfer, and food. Joint teaching exchange staffs are expected to participate in TESOL training cooperation. 

    請邀請的學校單位,負責IPC教師的住宿、機場接送、餐飲等,此教師的專長乃教授 TESOL 課程為主。

    2.3 Home institution (IPC) will be responsible for wages of their own exchange staff. 

    該交換教師的機票與薪資則由 IPC 自行負責。
  3. Cultural Exchange Programme/ Open Campus or Summer Course: 
    Length: About 2weeks.
    The home institution (your school) is responsible for the cost of accommodation, plane ticket, and learning activities. The host institution (IPC) is responsible for education programme, pastoral care, internet access, gym facilities, and accommodation and meal services.


    3.1 Your students will attend Certificate of Proficiency English Course 
    (COPE), while students from international program will integrate into
    classes with IPC’s current students. After the courses finish, students 
    from international program will be awarded Certificate of 
    Participation, while your students will receive Certification of Proficiency English. 


    3.2 IPC will guarantee the tuition fees free and accommodation, and meals 
    at $250.00 per week/ per student (excluding activities) for your 
    students. Activities are various alternatives your school can choose.

    3.3 Host institution (IPC) will provide necessary immigration arrangement, appropriate academic programme, meal, accommodation arrangement, internet access, and gym and library facilities for your students. 

    3.4 IPC will allow at least one accompany staff from your staff to stay on 
    campus, while your students are involved with open campus 
    programme (ideally 1 teacher for 10-15 students). Home institution 
    (your school) is responsible for plane ticket, wages, and per-diem for
    their staff (if any). IPC will be responsible for staff accommodation, 
    meal, internet access, and access to all facilities on campus.

  4. Bridging programme Secondary to Tertiary level
    IPC would like to present our college to your students. And If some of your 
    students are interested in our program, we would like to offer the scholarship test 
    to the students.

    4.1 Scholarship level
    IPC would like to recommend Bachelor of International studies as an 
    option to students who will soon graduate from your school. This is a
    program which is approved by NZQA to be equivalent to level seven 
    European Union standards. The requirement is that students who 
    would like to join preferably must finish High School first. 


    4.2 Students will be enrolled into Foundation programme to prepare for 
    their English proficiency examination.


    4.3 If students decided to sit English proficiency test in your country and 
    manage to achieve at least 550 in TOEFL, 6.0 in IELTS, or 730 in 
    TOEIC, IPC will allow them to enroll into our programme without
    taking a foundation year. 


    4.4 The length of this course is three year (if the students enrolled in 
    Bachelor program). 


    4.5 IPC will provide financial assistant (scholarship) to your students upon 
    your recommendation and scholarship test results.

    4.6 To enhance our partnership between both institutions, IPC will allocate
    to your students to obtain maximum 50% scholarship on their tuition 
    fees. Ideally, we will grant up to 4 years period of financial assistant to
    those students with the scholarship of NZ$9,500 towards their tuition 


    4.7 Ideally, we would like to see students with a good activities record to 
    obtain this scholarship. However, we are willing to take students with
    good recommendation from your school to obtain this level of 


